Black Snow

L’année dernière, une centaine de migrants africains partis de Libye et ayant échoué leur embarcation à Lampedusa ont été transférés à Montecampione, une station de ski à 1 800m d’altitude dans les alpes italiennes. Ceci dans le cadre de la répartition des migrants sur tout le territoire, décidé par l’état italien pour soulager le camp de rétention de Lampedusa.

Ces africains qui avaient fui les combats en Libye et bien souvent jamais vu de neige, se sont alors retrouvés pendant 4 mois, coupés de tout dans une station de ski déserte, le premier village étant à 20 kms, à se morfondre en attendant d’être fixé sur leur sort, avec un accès au téléphone 1 minute par semaine. Ils étaient logés et nourris par un hôtel rémunéré par l’Etat italien.

En octobre 2011, le froid arrivant, ils font une marche vers la vallée pour attirer l’attention sur leur sort. Une association, K-Pax, les prend en charge et réalisent depuis avec eux une démarche originale de micro-integration: par groupe de 5 ou 6 personnes au plus, ils vivent dans des appartements des petits villages de la vallée Camonica au pied de Montecampione, suivent des cours d’italien le matin et font des activités culturelles, religieuses, sportives, ou de travail l’après midi.
L’objectif est de favoriser leur découverte de la culture italienne et leur intégration à la société locale dans une région où le parti raciste Lega Nord fait la course en tête.
En janvier 2012, j’ai suivi pendant une semaine le quotidien de ces migrants ainsi que leur voyage pèlerinage à Montecampione.

Pour ce travail photographique, j’ai choisi de sortir d’une approche photojournalistique classique et leur ai demandé de porter des gilets de sauvetage. Ces objets sont des marqueurs rappelant que leur vie quotidienne d’apparence banale est en réalité une complexe tentative d’intégration; ils sont aussi une mémoire visuelle de leur parcours qui fut d’abord maritime, et des traumatismes vécus qui seront longs à disparaitre.

A lifejacket I used for this reportage © Joan Bardeletti
A lifejacket I used for this reportage © Joan Bardeletti

In Montecampione, there was just eating, watch TV and sleep?, write Gossou an african refugee from Ivory Coast © Joan Bardeletti
In Montecampione, there was just eating, watch TV and sleep?, write Gossou an african refugee from Ivory Coast © Joan Bardeletti

These african imigrants arrived by boat in Lampedusa in 2011. Upon decision of the Italian government to empty the Lamedusa camp, they were sent to Monte Campione a Ski resort at 1800m altitude in July 2011. They were left there for 4 months with nothing to do and almost no contact whith the outside world. In Oct. 2011 thanks to a strike they were sent by group of 2 or 3 in the various villages of the Camonica valley for an experiment of micro integration while waiting for the status to be clarified. Here, in Feb 2012, 4 months after having left it they came back to Montecampione. © Joan Bardeletti
These african imigrants arrived by boat in Lampedusa in 2011. Upon decision of the Italian government to empty the Lamedusa camp, they were sent to Monte Campione a Ski resort at 1800m altitude in July 2011. They were left there for 4 months with nothing to do and almost no contact whith the outside world. In Oct. 2011 thanks to a strike they were sent by group of 2 or 3 in the various villages of the Camonica valley for an experiment of micro integration while waiting for the status to be clarified. Here, in Feb 2012, 4 months after having left it they came back to Montecampione. © Joan Bardeletti

Three Senegalese refugee are having afternoon tea and wtaching Italian Calcio on TV after having done work type activities outside © Joan Bardeletti
Three Senegalese refugee are having afternoon tea and wtaching Italian Calcio on TV after having done work type activities outside © Joan Bardeletti

African Immigrants visiting the Casa Museo in Cerveno, a museum on the life of people of the Camonica valley 100 years ago. © Joan Bardeletti
African Immigrants visiting the Casa Museo in Cerveno, a museum on the life of people of the Camonica valley 100 years ago. © Joan Bardeletti

Happy, Ibrahim and Henry are doing their grocery shopping at the Lidl supermarket in Breno. A person from the K-pax association is following them and pay the items but choosing, preparing the ingredients list, managing a budget is their responsability and an important path into integration as they cross their neigbours with their trolleys doing the same. © Joan Bardeletti
Happy, Ibrahim and Henry are doing their grocery shopping at the Lidl supermarket in Breno. A person from the K-pax association is following them and pay the items but choosing, preparing the ingredients list, managing a budget is their responsability and an important path into integration as they cross their neigbours with their trolleys doing the same. © Joan Bardeletti

Henry, african refugee from Nigeria, describe his life when he was in Montecampione. © Joan Bardeletti
Henry, african refugee from Nigeria, describe his life when he was in Montecampione. © Joan Bardeletti

3 immigrants from Cameroon hosted in Pisogne watch the Iseo Lake during a © Joan Bardeletti
3 immigrants from Cameroon hosted in Pisogne watch the Iseo Lake during a © Joan Bardeletti

Ibrahim and Henry are watching a card game in the small bar of Cerveno after having visited the local church © Joan Bardeletti
Ibrahim and Henry are watching a card game in the small bar of Cerveno after having visited the local church © Joan Bardeletti

Three african immigrants from Nigeria (Henry, Ibrahim and Happy) are coming back to Monte Campione in a pilgrimage type trip 4 months after having left. It was also the first time they saw snow as snow storn wellcomed them back. © Joan Bardeletti
Three african immigrants from Nigeria (Henry, Ibrahim and Happy) are coming back to Monte Campione in a pilgrimage type trip 4 months after having left. It was also the first time they saw snow as snow storn wellcomed them back. © Joan Bardeletti

The three years trip of Ibrahim from Senegal to Libya and finally MonteCampione. © Joan Bardeletti
The three years trip of Ibrahim from Senegal to Libya and finally MonteCampione. © Joan Bardeletti

Présentation complète de Black Snow

Ce travail est une commande pour Sette, le supplément de Corriere della Sera en Italie.

Il sera publié également par Il Venerdi, supplément du journal la Repubblica en Italie.
Il n’a pas encore été publié en France.

Actualités à venir :

  • Commande pour Géo au Portugal et en Angola sur l’émigration massive des portugais en Angola. Titre du reportage: « inversion des flux ».
  • Exposition à Vincennes dans le cadre du festival « L’Afrique en Marche » du 09 au 12 mai.